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As mentioned earlier this week the PINK room is in process. Its slow and the budget as always is non exsistant super tight but I did manage to snag a drum shade on sale. The old lamp shade shown here on the left came with the house , is very shabby as it’s fabric has torn on the side which is away from the camera .

So while perusing the sale items in @HOME I came across a faux ostrich leather drum shade in white for all of R 89 ,00 as it had a few scuff marks on it. I knew that those marks would be no match for my trusty E-Cloth and they weren’t .

Here is the new shade  because no I didn’t have the patience to first paint the room  and then hang it . I am excitable and impatient  like that !! So roll on the weekend for the wall prep to begin . In the meantime I am really down sizing my wardrobe because if I haven’t worn it for 3 years am I ever going to wear it again? I think not.